Happy 74th republic day from Espere

Jan. 26, 2023

3 min read

India's Republic Day is a national holiday in India to mark the adoption of the Constitution of India on January 26, 1950. The Constitution replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India and it came into effect on January 26, 1950 with a majority of 184 votes in favor and none against it, hence the date was chosen to be celebrated as the Republic Day of India. The main Republic Day celebration is held in the national capital, New Delhi, at the Rajpath before the President of India. On this day a grand parade is held which is attended by dignitaries from all over the world, along with the general public.

In addition to the parade, there are also cultural programs and displays that showcase the diversity and richness of Indian culture. One of the highlights of the celebration is the fly-past by the Indian Air Force, which includes a display of various aircraft and helicopters. The parade culminates with a display of floats representing different states and cultural groups from around the country.

The President of India also presents the 'Ashok Chakra' and 'Kirti Chakra' awards to members of the armed forces and civilians for their bravery and service to the nation.

The day before Republic Day, a ceremonial "Beating Retreat" is held at Vijay Chowk, which marks the end of the Republic Day celebrations. It is a military ceremony where bands from the three wings of the military play patriotic songs and there is a display of fireworks.

It is a public holiday and most government and private offices, schools, and colleges are closed. The national flag is hoisted on all public and private buildings, and the national anthem is played on radio and television stations.

In addition to the main celebration in the capital, smaller celebrations are also held in all state capitals and major cities across the country. These celebrations typically include parades, cultural programs, and patriotic speeches.

The Republic Day is also an opportunity for the government to showcase India's cultural heritage and its achievements in various fields like science, technology, industry, and agriculture. The parade features floats representing different states, cultural and social organizations, and educational institutions.

In recent years, the government has invited foreign heads of state as the chief guest of the Republic Day parade. This has been seen as a way to strengthen diplomatic relations and showcase India's growing global influence.

The Republic Day is an important day for all Indians as it reminds them of the country's rich cultural heritage and its struggles for freedom. It is a day for all Indians to come together and celebrate the country's diversity and unity, and to reaffirm their commitment to building a stronger, more prosperous, and more just India for all its citizens.

Republic-Day National-Holiday 26-January Appreciate you stopping by my post! 😊

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