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Abdulla Fajal

Django Developer



Education: Graduation

Lives in: India

Work: Django Developer

With '' under my care, I, Abdulla Fajal, graciously invite your insights and suggestions, as we endeavour to craft an exquisite online experience together.

Recent Quiz Questions

What is the purpose of the 'noscript' element?

To define custom Javascript functions.
To provide fallback content for browsers without JavaScript.
To disable specific parts of the website.
To improve website loading speed.

html JavaScript

Which security principle is essential to follow when handling user input in Django forms?

Trust all user input
Implement CSRF protection only for sensitive actions
Use complex passwords for all accounts
Validate and sanitize user input

django Form

How do you create a custom authentication backend in Django to integrate with an external authentication provider?

Modify the existing User model
Extend the AbstractBaseUser and BaseUserManager classes
Override the authenticate method in your view
Use Django's built-in social authentication framework

django Authentication

What is the difference between let and var for variable declaration?

There is no practical difference.
let can be re-declared, while var cannot.
let is slower than var.
let has block-level scope, while var has function-level scope.

JavaScript variable

What is the purpose of the async and await keywords introduced in ES6?

To define asynchronous functions and handle Promises more easily.
To create multi-threaded code execution.
To improve performance of synchronous code.
To define event listeners.

JavaScript Await Async