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Mohd Aqib

NobleSoft Development Pvt Ltd (



Education: MSc Tech Industrial Mathematics with Computer Applications

Lives in: Delhi, India

Work: NobleSoft Development Pvt Ltd (

I am Mohd Aqib from Delhi, India. I have completed my masters in Industrial Mathematics with Computer Applications from Jamia Millia Islamia in 2013 - 2016. After that I places in a MNC as Junior Software Engineer and currently I am a Senior Software Engineer along 7+ years experience in web application development. I have expertise in web application development using Python and various types of frameworks.

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Unraveling the Elegance: A Comprehensive Guide to Django Architecture

Django, an open-source web framework written in Python, has become a top choice for developers worldwide when building web applications. Its simple and elegant design, coupled with a robust architecture, makes it an ideal platform …

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