The guilty 2018 movie story

Jan. 15, 2023

4 min read

The Guilty is a 2018 Danish crime thriller film directed by Gustav Möller. The film follows a police officer, Asger Holm, who has been demoted to working as an emergency dispatcher. One day, he receives a call from a panicked woman who claims to have been kidnapped. Asger becomes determined to rescue her, but as the call progresses, it becomes clear that things are not as they seem. The film explores themes of guilt, responsibility, and the nature of truth, as Asger is forced to confront his own past mistakes and the consequences of his actions. The Guilty was well received by critics and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film.

Asger Holm, the protagonist, is dealing with a personal crisis and is demoted to working as an emergency dispatcher. He is isolated from the outside world and can only communicate with people through the phone. One day, he receives a call from a woman, Iben, who is in a panic and claims that she has been kidnapped and is being held in a van. Asger takes the call and tries to rescue her by using his knowledge of the city and the police force, but as the call progresses, it becomes clear that things are not as they seem. Iben's kidnapper seems to know her and Asger soon realizes that he is dealing with a crime that goes beyond what he initially thought.

Asger becomes obsessed with the case and starts to investigate on his own. He starts to suspect that Iben is not the victim but the perpetrator of the crime. He becomes convinced that Iben is planning something and that he needs to stop her. Asger's obsession with the case leads him to make some questionable decisions, which put him in danger.


Throughout the film, Asger also deals with his own guilt and regrets. He is haunted by the memories of a past mistake that cost him his job and his family. Asger's past mistake is related to the current case and it becomes clear that he is trying to redeem himself by solving the case.

The Guilty is a tense, fast-paced thriller that keeps the audience guessing until the very end. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that nothing is as it seems and that the truth is much more complex than what it initially appeared. The film explores themes of guilt, responsibility, and the nature of truth. It also deals with the consequences of one's actions and the impact they have on others.

As the story progresses, Asger's actions become increasingly desperate as he tries to solve the case and save Iben. He starts to manipulate and deceive other characters, including his colleagues, in order to get the information he needs. He also starts to ignore the protocols and procedures that are in place to protect the victims and the public.

Asger's past mistake and his current actions start to catch up with him as the tension builds up. He is forced to confront the consequences of his actions and the impact they have on others. Asger's obsession with the case causes him to lose sight of what is right and wrong and he starts to become more and more isolated.

As the film reaches its climax, the truth behind Iben's kidnapping is revealed and Asger is forced to face the reality of the situation. He is confronted with the fact that he has been wrong about Iben and that his actions have caused more harm than good. The final scene of the film is a powerful and emotional one that leaves a lasting impact on the viewer.

Overall, The Guilty is a gripping and thought-provoking film that explores the darker side of human nature. It is a tense and suspenseful thriller that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end. It also deals with important themes such as guilt, responsibility, and the impact of one's actions on others.


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