Django Tablespaces: Expert Tips and Tricks with examples

May 21, 2023

4 min read

Django is a powerful web framework that allows developers to build complex and scalable applications with ease. One of the key features of Django is its support for database management. Django abstracts the underlying database layer, making it simple to work with different database systems. In this article, we will explore an advanced feature of Django's database management: tablespaces.

Tablespaces in Django provide a way to manage the physical storage of database tables. By leveraging tablespace functionality, developers can optimize storage allocation, improve performance, and maintain data organization. In this article, we will delve into expert tips and tricks for mastering Django tablespaces, along with practical examples.

What are Tablespaces?

In a nutshell, a tablespace is a logical storage unit within a database that contains tables and indexes. It represents the physical location on the disk where database objects are stored. By default, Django creates tables and indexes in the default tablespace provided by the database. However, Django allows developers to define custom tablespaces for specific tables or indexes, giving them granular control over storage allocation.

Creating Custom Tablespaces

To create a custom tablespace in Django, you need to define it in the database configuration settings. Let's assume you are using PostgreSQL as your database backend. Here's an example configuration snippet in Django's file:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'mydatabase',
        'USER': 'myuser',
        'PASSWORD': 'mypassword',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'options': '-c default_tablespace=mytablespace',

In the above example, the default_tablespace option is set to 'mytablespace'. This tells PostgreSQL to use the custom tablespace named 'mytablespace' for creating tables and indexes.

Assigning Tables and Indexes to Tablespaces

Once you have defined a custom tablespace, you can assign specific tables or indexes to it using Django's db_tablespace and index_tablespace attributes in your model definitions. Let's consider a Django model called Product:

from django.db import models

class Product(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2)
    description = models.TextField()

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'product'
        db_tablespace = 'mytablespace'
        index_tablespace = 'mytablespace_indexes'

In the above example, we set the db_tablespace attribute to 'mytablespace', which assigns the Product table to the custom tablespace. Additionally, we set the index_tablespace attribute to 'mytablespace_indexes', indicating that any indexes associated with the Product table should be created in a separate tablespace.

Optimizing Storage Allocation

One of the primary benefits of using tablespaces is the ability to optimize storage allocation based on the nature of the data. For example, you might have tables that contain frequently accessed data and others that store historical or less frequently accessed data. By allocating them to separate tablespaces, you can place them on different disks or storage mediums, improving performance.

class FrequentlyAccessedData(models.Model):
    # Fields and attributes

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'frequently_accessed_data'
        db_tablespace = 'fast_disks'

class HistoricalData(models.Model):
    # Fields and attributes

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'historical_data'
        db_tablespace = 'slow_disks'

In the above example, we have two different models, FrequentlyAccessedData and HistoricalData. The former is assigned to a tablespace named 'fast_disks', indicating it should reside on faster storage for improved read/write performance. On the other hand, the latter is assigned to a tablespace named 'slow_disks', suggesting it can be stored on slower storage devices.

Monitoring and Managing Tablespaces

Django provides several tools and techniques for monitoring and managing tablespaces. You can leverage Django's database inspection API to retrieve information about tablespaces associated with tables and indexes. The django.contrib.postgres module also offers additional utilities specific to PostgreSQL, such as the Tablespace and IndexTablespace models, which provide a programmatic interface for creating, updating, and deleting tablespaces.

from django.contrib.postgres.models import Tablespace, IndexTablespace

# Retrieve information about tablespaces
tablespaces = Tablespace.objects.all()
index_tablespaces = IndexTablespace.objects.all()

# Create a new tablespace
new_tablespace = Tablespace(name='my_new_tablespace')

# Update an existing tablespace
existing_tablespace = Tablespace.objects.get(name='existing_tablespace') = 'updated_tablespace'

# Delete a tablespace
old_tablespace = Tablespace.objects.get(name='old_tablespace')

By utilizing Django's database inspection API and the PostgreSQL-specific utilities, you can easily manage tablespaces programmatically and integrate them into your application's administration interfaces.


Mastering Django tablespaces empowers developers to optimize storage allocation, improve performance, and maintain a well-organized database structure. In this article, we explored the concept of tablespaces, learned how to create custom tablespaces, assign tables and indexes to them, and optimize storage allocation based on data characteristics. We also discussed tools and techniques for monitoring and managing tablespaces within Django. By leveraging these expert tips and tricks, you can take full advantage of Django's tablespace functionality and build robust and efficient web applications.

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